Monday 2 July 2012

The start of something wonderful

Here I am, just about to get my results for my degree; I have learnt java and VB.NET over the last 4 years. I know them both quite well (not going as far as say I’m a master at them i need a lot more practice at them to get that far and that only comes from working on them in a development job, or large projects which i will get on to later in this blog).

So I have nothing to do, at the moment, no course so no new education... looking for a development job but these things always take time. While looking around at jobs I found that a lot of the .Net jobs use C#, I have seen a lot of C# code (my games programing friends used it a lot and I helped them work out what they were doing) not had much expranice in programing with it. So I say to myself "I want something to do, and then let’s learn C#", and off I go. my 1st stop is here the Microsoft msdn (Microsoft development network) that page is for C# guide, the Microsoft msdn is a wonderful place if your ever stuck with a .Net tech. anyway time to get stuck in and learn some concepts, 2 mins later I’m thinking that C# looks almost identical to java... and I’m right it pretty much is, but it’s a mistake to go ahead with that belief and make something big as you will hit a wall by messing up something way down the line... so I find this page

 (C# for Java Developers) wonderful stuff just what i need to get my head around C#. it highlights all the ways it is the same and the key points which make it diffrent.

So now I got toghever a nice little reference guide so I can start some test projects (starting with the famous "hello world"). I start thinking to myself I want to do this the right way so I good reference book will help organize my thoughts and give me something to read when I don’t have a power source...

So I do a little research and come up with this...

I’ve not even opened it yet, but mostly people say it’s a good reference book, which if you get stuck you can go back and learn it ground up. After a flick though very much looks that way. (With basic and then advanced stuff close to the end Inc a bit of ASP.NET). now I know all the concepts of object oriented programming but sometimes its different trying to implement it in a new language, so this should help me get to grips with C# then later be a nice reference I can come back to.

now I have been working on my portfolio, as I know it is what will set me apart from other applicants to jobs (back to the jobs them). So I want to start a nice project for C# that will not only demonstrate I can use C# (when it’s done) but demonstrate some of the more useful OO development concepts like interfacing and inheritance. The project I’m starting is in fact for a game I play online called "eve online", without going in to detail it’s a big game with lots of players and lots of depth. The company who make the game provide an API in the form of XML pages full of date about accounts in the game. (Or other aspects about the game), you can access this data using an API key (for account detail). now in the game people often require that players hand over there limited api key (limits the amount of stuff you can access with the api) so that they can check out that account make sure there is nothing strange going on before they join in with whatever they are applying too.

now tradiconaly people do this manually by hand (using other apps made for the game but now designed for this purpose) I want to make a windows application using C# that is deigned to do just checking up on accounts and nothing else, giving valuable feedback to the user (as I been playing the game for over 5 years I got a good idea of what will be useful but I am also asking my friends for ideas).

So that’s my project, it’s going to keep me busy and hopefully add something good to my portfolio demonstrating my technical understanding.

While I was getting the reference book I also made up my mind to get a book to help develop my approach to programing (as I believe it is something else that will set me aside). So I got this...
"code complete 2" (got it for kindle app on my tablet) basic a book about how to approach programing and do it right, I not started reading yet but I will tell you more once I do (same goes for the C# reference book)

In other news, my job hunt is going well; I just need to find that magic spot where both I and the company am prefect. It’s going to take work (portfolio, interviews, tests, bla bla bla...) but I think if I keep on top of my game (keep working and learning) I will get there in the end.

Part of all that is updating this blog, even if this might be a bit of a ramble.
Hope you enjoyed reading

Till next time

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