Sunday 8 July 2012

thinking about how to deliver

right well my last blog was a huge ramble...
but basically long story short is im learning C# (very quickly due to my experience with java), to give me a good test project (which i can use and develop) im making a program for a game i play to fill a role i never seen filled before. what i did not say in the last blog and really should of, is that i am testing concepts and still trying to finger out the format for this project, i already have a good idea of how i am going to lay out the system (good idea as in i know i going to make several class's to read and process the data from the XML sites, UML to follow).

now the matter on my mind at the moment is how to deliver
delivery of an application can be done in 3 simple formats that i know of, though the web, via a windows application or finally is a mobile application. Of course im talking about how users will access the app (for instance if a user downloads the app and runs it on there PC means the delivery is done via windows app), Now one simple fact, the API im using is only useable if you have director internet access so being online is not an issue (also as im making the app so it does not retain any data at this moment), but any of the above methods have access to the net. 

now after thinking about it for a bit i think i would like to make this in to a web app. there are 2 main reasons, A. making a windows app is easy and not that impressive anymore, so having a web app is much more impressive (also most places seem to want programers with website development skills) B. i been thinking about making a portfolio website for a little while, somewhere i can test my apps and show them off, also its fantastic fun especially when you make something cool and can show it off to your friends 

on the note of mobile apps, i would like to go there but i lets do one thing at a time, i know a little but not the amount needed to develop a mobile app by myself and release it 

thats what im thinking about at the moment 
well im also thinking about iterators but thats another story :)

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