Wednesday 30 May 2012


my laptop had major hard drive issues lately seeming as its 5 years old and getting slow in more ways than just the hard drive failing i felt it was cheaper to replace it. (i will repair it give it my mum :P) anyway so nice new laptop (a good strong Acer brand with I3 and lots of RAM), so first thing on my list is to uninstall all the stuff that comes with them (useless stuff, stuff that gets in my way or things they trying to sell me). so now that clean up is done time to get installing my software for development and personal stuff.

so i forget how much work you have to put in to getting development software tools working, my big example is i have been using eclipse and apache tomcat to make web apps. now alone apache tomcat requires a bit of setting up, to make eclipse and tomcat to work together (as much easier to run the sever from the development kit) that takes a little know how and time.

took me about an hour to be able to do my java development, download the Java development kit (JDK) get eclipse and tomcat setup (and running). all that done now its time to look at the .NET framework, now get hold of the express Visual Studio that Microsoft offers to home developers. easy to setup really but download and install times again add another hour to my setup time.

the list goes on now we are looking at MySQL, databases are impotent to all the apps i work on as personally i prefer them to be data driven. not long to setup MySQL and then also setup my office version of Access (get hold of that thought the Microsoft student store).

so i have java and .NET development setup
the server setup
and database server/application database setup

put on top of that office, firefox, personal stuff such as steam and plugins for web browsing 
hay look my day is gone...

but now i am ready to go code to my heart's content

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